I'm still trying to keep up on the blogging... but today's post is over here: https://powerpivotpro.com/2017/08/autoexist-cross-table-filtering/ :) Continue Reading
DAX KEEPFILTERS Plus Bonus Complaining!
I cannot tell a lie. Nah… that’s a lie. I just lied. But I am speaking truth here… I’m excited to write this post today! I get the rare joy of sharing something cool with you… while doing my favorite thing… complaining about stuff! We are going to talk about the KEEPFILTERS function. Before I get too far… let me point you over to Alberto’s post on KEEPFILTERS. Alberto makes what I think might be a mild overstatement “If you don’t use and understand it, you will Continue Reading
VAR: The best thing to happen to DAX since CALCULATE()
Varface - Say hello to my little friend I used to use the bad joke, “CALCULATE is the Ummmm of DAX” – like, when you want to start talking/writing out a DAX expression before you really know the answer, you just start typing CALCULATE slowly cuz you know it’s coming – it always does!But now, I’m not so sure. Maybe I need a new joke that includes VAR. Maybe something with “Dude, Where’s My VAR?” or “Two priests walk into a VAR” ? Varship Troopers. Something VAR VAR Continue Reading
Review: Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel
I ran into The Italians at the Data Insight Summit and naturally… gave them a very-Scott-like very-awkward group-hug. I don’t actually know these guys super well, but I certainly love them… so they get hugs. Suck it up.My love comes from a genuine admiration of both their deep technical knowledge/skills and their amazing desire to help people learn these technologies. Hell, if you make a mistake in your blog… Marco is gonna show up to correct you. He is awesome like Continue Reading