Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated. Let’s get back to work. Fancy Map Okay, we want a map of “The States” where each state is colored by some metric. In our case, it is the Gross Margin we made off sales for that state. The style of map is called a Choropleth (apparently – I had no idea ). This is pretty easy in Power BI! Insert a “Filled Map” visual Click on your “state” column. Click on your GM$ measure. There is no step 4. Unless you want to tweak the colors a bit. I Continue Reading
I was almost back!
Remember when I was all "I'M BACK, PEOPLE!" then I disappeared again? Well, sometimes things are... complicated. Yes, I got extra busy with a contract with Microsoft, but... hey... it is not like I was going to let that keep me from entertaining my adoring fans! So, I learned how to pull together a sweet YouTube video! I was showing Power BI Desktop, with my bright shiny face in the corner cracking inappropriate jokes, it was going to be GREAT! The problem was... it was not great. I mean, the Continue Reading