I believe this is the first time I have written most of a blog post, then nuked it to start over. It was going “okay” I guess… attempting to show some patterns around (the fancy phrase) “semi-additive measures”. I was feeling pretty smart, but… I was feeling more and more lost as I wrote and meandered. I realized that I should probably focus more on the LASTDATE() function, which brings our boring story to present. This is also the first post with no images. So, at least we got that going for Continue Reading
Power BI : Custom Visual Development
Wherein our hapless hero attempts to understand the in and outs of developing Custom Visuals in Power BI… Background First, let me say that… the decision to open source the visuals for Power BI was such a great decision. We have seen some very cool custom visuals. Also, the ability to hit https://app.powerbi.com/devTools and just start typing out a new visual in a mostly javascript way is super approachable and vaguely fun. Unfortunately, that's kind of where the good news ends. While Continue Reading
Growing Great Teams
This is something I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. Probably because I have been on so many terrible teams. :) While I don’t think there is anything surprising here, I do think it is something you have to work on… always. Obey Wheaton’s Law Coined by actor/nerd Wil Wheaton, this is probably the most important: “Don’t be a dick”. It is my belief that a lot of people in technology grew up smart nerds, which is not real an asset… as a kid. But then they get older… and suddenly Continue Reading
Segmentation in Power BI
I wish I had an awesome intro for this. I was mostly excited to write this entry… though, the techniques are fairly well known. I totally have no problem repeating good techniques, because… you are going to forget you read it in some other blog 2 years ago anyway But as I got into creating the sample pbix file… things didn’t really go that well. Pretty sure we are hitting some bugs in Power BI (yes, I have reported them!)… but we can mostly work around them. Continue Reading